Thursday, October 16, 2008

fall is the prettiest season

The weather here has been absolutely gorgeous and unseasonably warm for the last couple of weeks.

And I am convinced that, in the fall, I live in the most beautiful place in the world. This past week end at the cottage, the fall colours were an unbelievable riot of reds and oranges and yellows. There was a carpet on the ground and yet the trees were still brilliant.

The nights were cool (great for sleeping) but it was warm enough in the day that some of us wore shorts and none of us wore jackets.

And the food...Oh my, did we feast.

As we drove away, I looked at the spectacular view and thought, "It's so gorgeous, it looks like a badly done oil painting."

And it occurred to me that we had not taken a single photo all week end.


At least we have the memories.

It took us seven hours to get home. But it was worth it.

The suitcase still sits unpacked by the back door. I had chemo the day after we got home (and Tim has had his hands full with the boys).

I'll deal with it on Saturday.

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