Friday, October 10, 2008

Life lessons

Perhaps you have a child who claims she has to go potty every time you are out in public. This child never, ever actually uses the potty out in public; she simply likes to go look at the potty and then wash her hands. You remain vigilant and dedicated, however, taking her to the potty every single time she requests a potty trip, even though you know full well that the child is not going to actually use that potty. You have interrupted multiple restaurant dinners multiple times to go look at potties. You have made long treks across parks and maneuvered through Barnes and Noble displays and walked out of church to locate a public potty, only to have your child refuse to use said potty. Still, you remain cheerful and optimistic.

The very first time in your child's life that you decide to ignore your child's pleas, the first time that put your foot down and declare that you are not walking across the park one more time simply to go look at another potty, your child will pee her pants in public.

Or so I have heard.

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