Saturday, October 18, 2008


I think I bit of more than I can chew, lick, and digest... but it Taste good going down though. We took the state fair by storm and I made it through all 6+ hours that we were there this year. I pushed R2 (Raegan and Ravyn) as they kept hopin' on and off the stroller (the same stroller that almost killed me this summer when I used it to give the girls a bike ride to school). I was alot stronger and successfully conquered the Cotton Bowl this year, "You can't break me I am still standing, I am still strong..." we did almost all of the rides ate too much the only thing we didn't do was play any of the games It was a good time. Everyone enjoyed the fair, we all left singing my feet hurt...

Oh yea I had blood work today, so I need to keep my levels in the acceptable range or else the doctors will want to see me, (take a picture).

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