Friday, October 10, 2008

Here's how disorganized I am ...

I have managed to lose an entire pumpkin.

Not a little toy pumpkin. Not one of those teeny little pumpkins that you use for decorating. It's a real, full-size Halloween pumpkin that WCK's grandpa got for her at the grocery store a couple weekends ago. WCK had been playing with it and lugging it around the house, and now it is gone.

I suppose we could also file this under "Here's how lax I am with rules", because, really, wouldn't most sensible mothers make "Don't lug giant vegetables around the house" one of their top household laws? I don't have many household laws. As I write this, my child is staring at the TV and she is not, technically, wearing any pants.

The pumpkin is somewhere in the house, but I don't know where. I'm hoping it'll turn up by, say, Fourth of July.

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