Monday, June 23, 2008

Why WCK is WCK

When I first started my blog, I was a little nervous about putting information about my child on the Internet. At the same time, I didn't want to have to password-protect my blog, because I wanted other myeloma patients to be able to find me. I've been able to connect with a lot of people this way.

My solution was to call my child"World's Cutest Baby" or WCB. When she was two, I upgraded her to "World's Cutest Kid" or WCK. I've never posted her real name or her photo. Sometimes I wonder if I'm being too paranoid. I have lots of friends who post photos of their kids on their blogs, and everything is fine. Plus, I'm sure I've provided enough information about us that someone who was truly psycho could hunt us down if he/she really wanted to.

Am I being paranoid? Should I just use her name and post her photo? After all, she does have a beautiful name and she IS the World's Cutest Kid, after all.

Then, the other day, I was looking at my report from Google Analytics. This is a free service that tells you all kinds of things about visitors to your blog: How many people visited you, how long they stayed, where they live, things like that. You can look at all of the search terms people used to find you on Google. They range from heartbreaking ("dying of multiple myeloma") to hilarious and bizarre ("is it bad if your rabbit has a bloody nose?"). Most of them are completely harmless, but there were also a few creepy ones in there, too. Apparently, my post about WCK's obsession with public restrooms caused my blog to pop up on Google when someone searched for "video of men going pee in the restroom." Icky. Someone else searched for "video of girls having dex." Usually this kind of typo would make me laugh, but this person viewed two pages of my blog.

Eeeeew. Creepy. I don't want this person looking at pictures of my kid.

So WCK she is. WCK she shall stay.

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