Grandpa Mike was in town with his little blue Fiero, which he entered in the "Fiero Fun Fest" at the City Market. Jay, WCK, and I went down there to try to embarrass him in front of his cool new car friends, but I should know by now that Grandpa Mike doesn't get embarrassed. When I was a child, he used to pick me up from Wednesday night church class wearing a plastic shark nose. Sometimes also a wig. Anyway, he took first place in his division, although he pointed out that there were only two cars in his division. Still, that's something.
In addition to standing around looking at cars, WCK and I got to ride on a cool little train. This is kind of an odd photo, but you get the idea:
There was also a very fun man with some puppets:

WCK and I also jumped around inside a bouncy castle. I think those things have an official name (Moonwalks? Aren't they called Moonwalks?), but I spent a large chunk of my time in college playing "Theme Park" on a friend's computer, so I will always call them bouncy castles. It was a really good workout. Jay said we should just get rid of our treadmill and get a bouncy castle.
On our way out, Jay found a copy of Buck O'Neil's autobiography at a flea-market table for 50 cents. I'm pretty sure it is illegal to reside in Kansas City and not own a copy of Buck O'Neil's autobiography, so now we have that one covered, too.
Enjoy the City Market: Check.
Enjoy Buck O'Neil: Check.
Enjoy eating barbecue: Check. Check. Check!
Whew. We can keep on living in Kansas City.
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