Cindy Melancon Spirit of Survivorship Award
Hailing from Novi, Michigan, Carolyn Benivegna will be this year’s recipient in honor of her persistent advocacy for promoting awareness for ovarian cancer. Carolyn is an ovarian cancer survivor and the founder of the Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Florida-Gulf Coast. She then moved to Michigan when she made a great impact by working with Governor Jennifer Granholm to declare September as Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. Carolyn and her husband were also recognized by The Henry P. Tappan Society from the University of Michigan for establishing an endowed Ovarian Cancer Research Fund at UM.
The Voice for Ovarian Cancer Research Award
Taking the trip from Woodbury, NJ will be Karen Mason. After being diagnosed at the age of 49, she quickly discovered that getting involved in the ovarian cancer community was a great coping mechanism. Last Fall Karen was invited to be a member of the Dept of Defense’s Integration Panel where proposals are chosen for funding by the Department of Defense’s Ovarian Cancer Research Program. She also serves as a patient advocate for the Fox Chase Cancer Center ovarian SPORE as a full participating member of their Institutional Review Board evaluating consent forms for clinical trials. Karen is continually involved with NED (no evidence of disease) and is a part-time ICU nurse, wife and mother of two sons.
Rosalind Franklin Excellence in Ovarian Cancer Research Award
Dr. Robert Bast, VP of translational research at MD Anderson in Houston, TX will receive this year’s award for developing the OC125 monoclonal antibody that led to the production of the CA125 test. A major focus on Dr. Bast’s current research is the identification of additional serum tumor markers that would complement CA125 for detection of the disease at early stages. Dr, Bast has published more than 500 articles and chapters, and has edited the textbook, Cancer Medicine and one of the most frequently cited scientists in his field. Dr. Bast continues to care for patients with breast and ovarian cancer and has been listed in the Best Doctors of America and America’s Top Physicians.
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