Monday, June 9, 2008

threes company

Well, trying to get back to the new reality that is my family and the absence, the loss, we all are feeling right now. I think we take comfort in the fact that in our own unique way(s) we carry a piece of our father with us. I think I am carrying on his legacy by being as active in their lives as he was in ours, Coach Dash has not gone away he coached us hard but played with more energy than all of us kids combined. I think he would have been proud of the way I attacked the bounce house rides during the party Saturday, I gave those 5 year olds and younger a run for their money (something I couldn’t do last year as I was on the bench just returning from CA, and the year before suffering through chemo and cancer.)

Pray don’t worry, and if you are going to worry don’t pray.

Living like a bachelor for the next several weeks as my wife will be on travel until early in July it will just be the girls and I running wild, and living free; well not exactly wild and free in case a TX cps employee reads this.

Hey keep Johnson family in your thoughts and prayers, recovering from lung transplant is tough it has taken me 15 months and now I can finally stop asking for that linebacker’s number that ear holed me.

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