Monday, June 16, 2008

Plenty to shout about!

I received great news today:

- My PET and CT scans are CLEAN.
- My blood counts continue to rise.

When I heard the news from Dr. Forman, I felt as jubilant as Tiger Woods after he sunk that difficult putt on the 18th hole.

As Newsweek editor Jonathan Alter wrote in his "My Life With Cancer" article, the semiannual scans are like a visit to the parole officer. "When the scans are clean, it's worth another six months of freedom, though with no guarantee of extra time for good behavior."

My EOS (a type of white blood cell) counts are still abnormally high at 53% (0-4% is normal). I'm also losing weight again (three pounds in two weeks) even though I'm still trying to pack on a few more pounds. (These two things may or may not be related.) At any rate, I'm going off the minocyclin prescribed by my dermatologist to see if it's causing these whacky side effects.

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