Monday, June 23, 2008

Finished my NO SLEEP study

I slept a whole 5 hours and 16 minutes, hibernation I woke scratching myself life a bear taking deep inhales through my mouth and exhaling (draw your own conclusion). I had on two different types of CPat mask so we shall see what comes of this. I did not think I would make the study as I have been feeling ill (very ill) all day coming down with whatever the girls have picked up this week at daycare. Raegan has been running fever, yellow green mucus, coughing, and complaining of a sore throat; Ravyn has been pretty much the same minus the fever and sore throat; I have just been feeling ill and vomiting alot yesterday (running from both places) I will have to get some new antibiotics called in so I don't have to visit the SPA.

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