Urgent Action Request!
Please call your Senators Today..
Please forward to family members, friends & co-workers- we need as many people as possible to call their Senators today! Ask them to vote " YES " for the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act before the July 4th recess. As constituents your help is vital. Please help preserve access to gynecologic cancer care, we need your help to ensure continued access to quality healthcare. Cuts to Medicare physicians' payments would endanger the ability of doctors to serve their communities. If not prevented, pending cuts in the Medicare program may cause doctors to have to close their doors. We cannot afford this nor allow this to happen, our lives are dependant upon our physicians. Without access to high quality healthcare our lives and the lives of our loved ones are at stake.
This bill will protect critical access to medical care for millions of Americans and seniors. Please encourage Congress to vote Yes in support of the HR 6331-the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008.
We must protect access to our doctors for ALL seniors and the millions of other Americans covered under Medicare. Congress must act before the end of June to protect Medicare patients from losing access to their physicians.
Call or email Congress today! Urge your House member to support HR 6331 - the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008.
All House offices can be reached by calling 202-225-3121.
New York Senators:
Senator Charles E. Schumer at (202) 224-6542
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at (202) 224-4451
Khrissy Lupinacci
Long Island Ovarian Cancer Education Advocacy Netwok Support
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