Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Vita Interruptus

Right after my initial diagnosis , I met Brad, a fellow "cell mate" with the same disease (MCL, blastic variety) going through a similar regimen at the same time. We became cheer leaders for one another through our treatments and recovery.

After I posted the good news about my six-month clean scans, he sent an upbeat reminder about the positive prognosis for us blastics. Just a few years ago, the diagnosis was a death sentence with a one-year survival rate. But today's aggressive treatments have pushed that time line so far out that, as Brad quipped, we could easily outlast our non-cancer counterparts.

But the very next day Brad reported that his oncologist decided to order a CT scan for a swollen lymph node. He learned yesterday that, ten months after treatment completion, the MCL is back with a vengeance.

A few weeks ago, Brad and his wife decided to "just do it" and pursue their dream of living in the country. They both found teaching jobs at a rural school district and were planning to sign the contracts today.

But sometimes life gets interrupted, or "vita interruptus" as I like to call it. Because of insurance and medical leave issues, they've decided to stay at their current school district. Their dream of country living will be deferred until Brad completes a donor stem cell transplant at MD Anderson.

Please keep Brad and his family in your good thoughts and prayers.

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