Saturday, September 1, 2007

What Causes Mesothelioma cancer or disease?

What causes mesothelioma cancer or disease?

The post below will describe what are the causes of mesothelioma cancer or disease and explain who are at risks of getting the Mesothelioma cancer or disease.

In all cases that involve mesothelioma cancer or disease, 9 out of 10 cases can be attributed to asbestos. By breathing in fibers of asbestos, you are increasing the risk of getting the cancerous disease.

At first, the link between asbestos and mesothelioma could not be made because of the long period of time that goes by from being exposed to asbestos to diagnosis of mesothelioma. But a study in South Africa during 1960 made the link between the two.

Many people come into contact with asbestos fiber through either their occupation and or living in at-risk areas.

Examples of at-risk occupations and living areas are as following:

Asbestos product manufacturing (insulation, roofing, building, materials)
• Automotive repair (brakes & clutches)
• Construction/contractors
• Maritime
• Miners
• Offshore rust removals
• Oil refineries
• Power plants
• Auto Mechanics
• Boiler makers
• Bricklayers
• Building Inspectors
• Carpenters
• Drywallers
• Electricians
• Floor Coverings
• Furnace Workers

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