Thursday, September 6, 2007

Treatment of Mesothelioma Cancer By Radiation Theraphy

Today's article will discuss another alternative of treatment for Mesothelioma cancer. The last possible treatment for mesothelioma cancer is by means of a radiation theraphy.

Radiation treatment or radiotherapy is simply the use of high-energy x-rays that destroy the cancer cells and its surrounding area while doing as little harm as possible to the normal cells.

When treating mesothelioma cancer, radiotherapy may be aggressively used against the cancer cell in cooperation along with surgery or chemotherapy for an effective battle against mesothelioma cancer. If the patient are not well enough for a surgery, then radiation therapy can be used alone as a sole treatment.

Radiotherapy is also used to control the symptoms. This form of treatment can reduce the size of the cancer and reduce pain, discomfort, and or breathlessness.

In our future article we will discuss about the topic of how to cope with the potentially life-ending mesothelioma cancer.

Until then..enjoy your reading!

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