Friday, September 14, 2007

Weight Worry

I have witnesses to the fact that I've been eating this week. I shared tacos with Paula on Wednesday and broke bread with Karen (the other one) at our book club that evening.

On the other hand, Debbie saw me pick at my food at the Pasadena Buddhist Church cooking class on Tuesday. (I chalked this up to post-chemo appetite suppression.)

But even if I ate nothing this week, I find it hard to believe that I could peel weight off an already lean frame. But that's just what happened. I'm down nearly five pounds since my last time on the scales four days ago. I easily slithered into a size 4 skirt that's been hibernating in my closet for years.

I had assumed that anxiety was the culprit for my weight loss, but now I'm a little concerned that it's more. I'll discuss this with Dr. Forman.

Great - one more thing to add to my stress list.

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