Thursday, September 13, 2007


Much that comes with this condition is about wondering, superstitions, mysticism, regrets, what-if's, swc's (shoulda-woulda-coulda's), and all the abstracts that could drive anyone nuts. I was just reading my user profile on my daily poetry blog, and the description is that on Halloween Eve 2005, I made a vow to write a poem every day for the rest of my life. While I'm not all that great at posting every day, I have written a poem every day. But the thing is, when I'd read that again, I immediately felt that in writing that almost two years ago, I jinxed myself. I know it sounds silly, but I suddenly thought--why did I make a promise like that? I mean, I enjoy writing a poem a day, but to make a vow? Vows set you up for failure, ultimately.

Anyway, those are some random, prescription-mixing-with-chemo thoughts. I would hate it if my poetry caused cancer.

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