Friday, September 21, 2007

Broadcasting live...

me. On CBC, Monday morning. At the butt crack of dawn.
  • CBC Early Edition

  • Yeah, go figure.

    This weekend, Victoria and her O.C. team of Brandy's Babes will be running in the Komen Race for the Cure! Let's cheer them on, congratulate them, and thank them for their time and donations! And next weekend is our run/walk here in Vancouver! We have 27 people signed up so far, and over $1300 in donations! Holy crap, that's awesome!

    This week has been stellar. I've done a ton of exercising and walking, I finished the CCHS Family and Food workshop book (launches are in the works right now). It's called "Eating Stories: a Chinese Canadian and Aboriginal Potluck," and it contains the stories of 23 people who took a writing workshop I taught back in February and March. It's an amazing book, if I do say so myself. So that's really motivated me to keep working and editing and organizing.

    I'm trying to keep up the energy and spirits because I have round three of chemo on Tuesday. I can't forget how the last shot of chemo sucked, so I'm trying this approach of being as energetic and productive as possible, while listening to my body and resting when I really feel like I need to. I'm also taking Korean red ginseng, some supplements, flax seed and turmeric (in my food), so that might be helping as well. Plus, I got some smashing new scarves at Maiwa on Granville Island. I totally look the part of a tarot reader now. I should really go into business.

    Anyway, speaking of listening to my body--time for a nap. It's raining, so taking a nap is even more enjoyable, as I can listen to the rain come down on the skylights.

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