Friday, September 28, 2007

PET(ty) Ramblings

I don't know if it was the vet, the PET whisperer, the PET psychic or the Maytag man who worked their magic, but the City of Hope PET Scan equipment was up and purring by the time I arrived today for my 12:30 scan.

I had set my alarm for 6:15 this morning so that I could prepare a high protein breakfast, the only food group allowed before the 6:30 start of my pre-scan fast. Unfortunately, I couldn't make a preemptive strike against hunger because making ZZZ's was more enticing than making bacon and eggs.

I managed to go about my day on an empty stomach, even though food mocked me everywhere. The recipe for Frances's cabbage rolls (more on this in a future post) was waiting for me in my email inbox. The staff in the PET Scan department were carrying on an animated discussion about the merits of adding a dash of vinegar to foods. Even the PET Scan machine looked like a giant glazed donut on steroids. Before entering the donut hole, I took a milligram of Atavan, and slept the deepest, most restful slumber imaginable, while visions of strawberry donuts from The Donut Man danced in my head.

These PET Scan machines, by the way, are works of art. The one pictured in my last post looks like it was designed by Philippe Starck or Mies "less is more" Van Der Rohe. I think architect-designer Michael Graves should defect from Target and switch over to designing hospital equipment. Or Martha could come up with a design to go with her new line at Macy's. Faux bois PET scan anyone? (At the very least, we should get Martha, or maybe even Vera Wang, to work on designing a hospital gown that's both flattering and functional. Is that too much to ask?)

After the scan was over at 3 pm, I got to satisfy my grumbling gut with my favorite addiction - an iced passion fruit green tea from Au 79 in Arcadia. I never thought I'd live to see the day (no pun intended) when I'd pay $4.00 for an iced tea (no refills, thank you very much), but that's exactly what I do at least twice a week. The food is just a notch above mediocre, but after a day of fasting, the late lunch of minced pork, steamed rice and a soy bean, corn and cabbage salad was just what the doctor ordered.

Speaking of the good doctor, I'll meet with Dr. Forman on Monday afternoon to discuss the scan results and our next steps. Yep - I'm still moving closer to the answer to "When's the date?"

Have a great weekend, friends. Mine is jam-packed with activities (attending a friend's birthday celebration tonight, hosting an Italian-themed bridal shower on Saturday, visiting at least two of the Japanese gardens on the LA Conservancy garden tour and reading "Pole Dancing" at the WeHo Book Fair on Sunday at 4:25 PM), so I probably won't post again until Monday.

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