Monday, September 10, 2007

Coping With The Mesothelioma Cancer

In this article we will discuss on how to cope with mesothelioma cancer after being diagnosed with the killer disease.

Being diagnosed with mestholioma cancer can be a difficult experience to cope with since it is potentially a life-ending disease. It is common to be in shock or numb to the news of the diagnosis. You may wonder what or how will your friends and family will react to this terrible news.

The first step after being inform of the diagnosis of mesothelioma cancer is to accept it. This acceptance will help you deal with life easier and cope with whatever may come. It is important to move ahead because it will help your friends and family deal with it as well.

Each person deals with the news differently and may experience variety range of emotions. The following lists emotions that a person may experience after being diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer….

Shock – It may be the first thing you feel since one does not expect nor prepare for the news of cancer.

Anxiety – It is perfectly normal to experience anxiety or fear. You may be wondering about the treatments and how you will cope with mesothelioma cancer.

Depression – When being diagnosed with cancer, you may feel uncertain of your future.

Anger – It is the most common emotion among cancer patients. If you are angry, please be sure to let people know that it is not directed to them.

If possible, talk with your family, friend, or with a counselor.

For some people, the best way to cope with mesothelioma cancer is to learn as much as you can about it. It may make it easier for you to face it.

To learn more about the effect of the illness, go to the library, discuss with your doctors/physician, and go the internet and read websites covering mesothelioma cancer such as this one.

Here are a couple of the resources on mesothelioma cancer available.

National Cancer Institute or visit them at
American Cancer Society or visit them at

To be sure that you are the one making decision, it is important to understand mesothelioma cancer, the side effects you may be experiencing, and the treatments available. Be proactive, ask your doctor about the disease, find out the type and stage of mesothelioma cancer you are at.

Note: Talk with your doctor or physician first about the necessary steps to take

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