Thursday, September 6, 2007

Update on the Vancouver Run for the Cure

Thanks to all those who have registered, fundraised, and emailed me expressing interest in taking part! I just wanted to let you know that I saw this on the Run for the Cure website:

>>>Friday September 14th - Team Deadline Day
>>>In order to be eligible for Team t-shirts, all minimum fundraising must be completed by this date. This means that each Team member must have either fundraised a minimum of $150 or paid the $35 registration fee.

So if you are interested in joining the team and would like to get a "Brandy's Babes" team t-shirt (this is not the Cafepress t-shirt, but the one that the Run for the Cure prints up), you need to register by September 14th.

Some of you said you'd actually like to run the 5K, which is great too! So feel free--the walking team will meet you at the finish line, and we'll all go out for some nice brunch or something like that. For those of you with little ones, I think it's totally cool to take them in a stroller with you. H and I haven't decided what we're doing with the kiddins just yet, but we'll see. For any Americans not familiar with the whole kilometres bit, a 5K is approximately 3 miles.

When it gets closer to the date, I'll email everyone on the team to figure out the plan for race day.

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