Monday, March 7, 2011

Top 20 Symptoms Of Mesothelioma To Look Out For

To know about Mesothelioma symptoms, one must first know about the disease. It is a kind of cancer, which in most cases, is caused by exposure to asbestos. This particular disease is characterized by the development of malignant cells in the protective lining of the body’s internal organs – this lining is called the mesothelium – hence the reason for the name Mesothelioma. However, it may occur in the heart, tunica vaginalis, or even in the pericardium (a sac surrounding the heart). What cause Mesothelioma? It is caused by a prolonged exposure to asbestos, and the disease shows signs at least 30 to 40 years later. Some of the symptoms of the disease are of a general nature, but one must immediately report them to the doctor, for easy diagnosis and fast treatment.

1. The basic symptom of the disease is shortness of breath. One might feel short of breath, might even experience panting. This is due to pleural effusion, which basically means an accumulation or storage of fluid between the chest wall and the lung. Therefore, strenuous physical activity is difficult.
2. Another symptom of Mesothelioma is pain in the chest wall. This is usually of the dull-ache sort.
3. Watch out for a loss in weight, though this is a very general symptom, and can mean any other disease as well. Drastic weight loss should be reported to the doctor.
4. There are many specific symptoms to peritoneal Mesothelioma. They are listed as follows. Abnormalities in blood clotting are a major factor.
5. Bowel obstruction, or obstruction during bowel movement is another symptom of peritoneal Mesothelioma. This should definitely be reported to the doctor.
6. Swelling in the abdominal area is another symptom of peritoneal Mesothelioma.
7. This kind of Mesothelioma is also characterized by ascites – fluid in the abdomen.
8. Increased abdominal girth is another major symptom.
9. Fatigue and wheezing are characteristic of Mesothelioma.
10. Watch out for blood in your sputum, that you cough up. This is a very typical symptom of Mesothelioma.
11. There are certain specific symptoms when Mesothelioma has metastasized to the abdomen. One such symptom is obstruction in bowel movement.
12. Another symptom is pain in the abdominal area.
13. Mass in the abdomen is characteristic of Mesothelioma.
14. When Mesothelioma has reached the severe stages, there are many symptoms. One such is blood clots in the veins, this causes Thrombophlebitis.
15. There can also be internal bleeding in the internal organs of the body. This is caused by disseminated intravascular coagulation.
16. Jaundice, or yellow of the skin and eyes is another factor of severe Mesothelioma.
17. Watch out for low blood sugar levels. Do take regular blood sugar tests to determine the amount of sugar in your blood – so that you can be aware.
18. Blood clots in the arteries of the lungs, or “Pulmonary emboli” in scientific terms is another severe symptom.
19. Pleural effusion is another symptom.
20. Another symptom of severe Mesothelioma is ascites of a harsh nature

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