Thursday, March 17, 2011

Still spanked

I've been away from the blog for a while. There's no good reason, really. As more and more time went by, I'd think, "Well, I can't post something now unless it's a super interesting post!" Then I could never think of anything good and my brain would curl up in the fetal position from all of the horrible pressure. I know. My life is really tough.

But this morning FedEx brought by a fresh supply of 18-thousand-dollar pills, and my nurse called to tell me that my M-spike is still 2.7. It's not any better, but it's not any worse. So that's good, although I guess I expected better for 18 grand.

I thought I'd find a fresh photo of Bon Jovi at the same level of shirtlessness as last month. I found a nice artistic one. You know it's artistic because he looks like he's thinking of something really important:

Just this morning, I read an article in the newspaper about how Jon Bon Jovi was complaining about how he didn't understand iPods. It's tough to be elderly.

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