Thursday, March 10, 2011

Coping with the Mesothelioma cancer

Mesothelioma is a very rare cancer which was seen in many people who worked in a asbestos environment in their working atmosphere. Due to the face that asbestos was the main reason to form mesothelioma cancer in the body; the government banned the use of asbestos in the industries and working areas. Coping with cancer is very overwhelming experience that can not be described. Mesothelioma patients generally fall apart whenever they are diagnosed. Even a non-smoker can suffer from mesothelioma if he works in asbestos environment. Without a delay, every people should do a regular checkup to avoid late detection on many diseases, and when it comes around for mesothelioma, the symptoms can never be seen for years. Then when the symptoms in mesothelioma start to get visible, it has probably crossed the stage when it is too late to do successful treatment.

Mesothelioma cancers spread all over the internal organs very aggressively leaving nothing in its path. It is very dangerous and prognosis is pretty slim. However if the mesothelioma is detected in time, there could be strong hope. Treatments include Chemotherapy, Radiation, Surgery, and other Herbal/Ayurbedic treatment. Even the survival rate of mesothelioma is not more than two to five years; some mesothelioma patients are so strong they fight each moment with full emotional confidence, and this help to boost their psychological immunity to fight back this deadly cancer.

It is not certainly an easy to deal with the condition and the drama for mesothelioma patients. There is certainly a hope, and the medical treatments have advanced to deal with such fatal disease with new technology and medicines. Mesothelioma patients need more care and more support than before because they feel very demoralized and extremely alone. It is challenging task but that is the best way to give a hope, love and care to mesothelioma patients which can work psychologically much better than medicines.

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