Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The dread substance: Asbestos

Asbestos is the substance that operates behind mesothelioma, the disease that you have been diagnosed with. Therefore you should know what it is all about and why asbestos, of all things should lead to the development of such malignancy within your substance. Remember that awareness is always the first step towards the solution to any issue whatsoever.

Asbestos is a mineral which is extremely toxic. Rather it is a group of minerals that occur in nature as a mass of strong fibers which can be separated into separate thinner fibers. It is an industrial substance and is used in products like cement. Brakes, roof shingles and insulation, among other things. Asbestos particles are airborne and are usually inhaled or consumed. So if you have unknowingly inhaled asbestos particles, then they have probably traveled through your lungs to reach the pleura or the lining of your lungs. This leads to the growth of the malignant growths there. Also, asbestos particles can also enter your body after being mixed with your saliva. Blue asbestos particles are much more cancerous than white asbestos fibers.

The shape and the size of the asbestos particles make it easier for them to penetrate the human system. This causes inflammation and intense damage to the cells in the body. Then these particles embed themselves in the lining of the organs, whichever that maybe. Since asbestos particles are generally inhaled, they usually lodge themselves in the pleura or the lining of the lungs.

Asbestos also interferes with the genetic structure of your body. It facilitates the easy penetration of foreign DNA (genetic material) into the cells which are to be affected. With the entry of such alien substances there are many mutations that occur within the cells. All cellular processes are modified and cellular secretions are contaminated within your body. Though asbestos is the most common cause of mesothelioma, there are certain exceedingly rare cases where mesothelioma occurs due to irradiation, intra pleural thorium dioxide which is also called Thorotrast. It can also occur due to inhaling other fiber based substances, especially silica based minerals like erionite.

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