Friday, March 25, 2011


One of the reasons I wasn't blogging regularly lately is that my book club was reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Those of you who've read it know that you can't just stop with the first book; you must immediately go on to read the other two books, at the expense of everything else in your life. At one point, I pretty much forgot I had a child.

But I just finished up the final book last night, so I can have my life back. It turns out that I actually do have a child, a husband, a cat, and a fish. They're all still alive, but I'm not sure how.

Now I'm feeling a sense of power over anyone else who hasn't finished the third book yet. I could probably get them to do anything I say simply by threatening to reveal the ending. "Come over and clean out my closets, or I'll tell you how Mockingjay ends! HAHAHAHA!" I'm so evil. I could be president of Panem.

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