Thursday, March 10, 2011

A hazardous mineral asbestos

Asbestos is a naturally occurring silicate mineral known to have toxic properties. It was once used on a very large scale for ceilings, wall tiles, insulation and auto breaks. It was widely used in cement in the construction industries as it was resistant to heat, was durable, flexible and had good tensile strength. But asbestos is a very hazardous and potentially a fatal substance.

The use of asbestos in industries lead to dangerous diseases caused due to the inhalation of asbestos particles. Many workers working in the industries were unaware of this. One of the fatal diseases caused by this is mesothelioma. It may also lead to other problems such as asbestosis, lung cancer and fatal respiratory illnesses that incapacitate their victims.

In the twentieth century, medical researchers observed that a large number of deaths and lung problems occurred in asbestos mining towns. Investigations showed that thirty percent of the workers had asbestos-related lung disease. It takes a long time for asbestos to show its effects. The symptoms shown by them are also very common as shown by others diseases. Because of these problems it becomes very difficult to diagnose the fatal diseases like mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis.

Asbestos is inextinguishable and thus its fibers that enter the air do not evaporate. They can remain suspended in the air for a long time. These toxic fibers when inhaled enter the lungs. These small particles of asbestos slowly and gradually affect the lungs.

There are three different types of asbestos exposure. First is the occupational asbestos exposure, where people working in factories that manufacture asbestos are at high risk of developing asbestosis or mesothelioma. Second is para occupational asbestos exposure, where the family members of workers get exposed to asbestos dust brought home by them on their clothes or skin. The third one is neighborhood asbestos exposure, where the people living in the vicinity of asbestos manufacturing plant are at risk.

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