Thursday, March 10, 2011

New approaches to malignant mesothelioma

Nowadays new approaches to treat malignant mesothelioma are being tested. They merge traditional treatments or include something entirely new. These new treatments include angiogenesis and anti-angiogenesis drugs. Although development has been made in the early detection of cancer and improved treatment options, mesothelioma can not be cured and remain difficult to treat effectively. Researchers have shown how cancer cells differ from normal cells. Certain drugs used in chemotherapy have severe side effects on your body. Anti-angiogenesis drugs have no side effects and they target the tumor itself sparing the body’s normal cells.

Immunotherapy is another type of mesothelioma treatment. It is also called as biological therapy. This therapy uses the body’s own immune system to protect itself against disease. Immune system is able to identify the difference between healthy cells and cancer cells. It is also able to eliminate the cells that become cancerous. Immunotherapy is intended to restore, stimulate, or enhance the immune system’s natural anticancer function.

Biological response modifiers (BRMs), one of the substances used in immunotherapy, alter the interaction between the body’s immune defenses and cancer, thereby enhancing the body’s ability to combat disease. These BMRs enhance the immune system to fight cancer cell growth, alter cancer cell’s growth patterns to behave like normal cells, make cancer cells more susceptible to destruction by the immune system, block or reverse the process that changes a normal cell into a cancer cell and prevent a cancer cell from spreading to other sites. Currently many BRMs such as interferons, interleukins, tumor necrosis factor, colony-stimulating factors, monoclonal antibodies, and cancer vaccines are being used.

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a type of cancer treatment based on single-celled organisms. Certain photosensitive drugs are used in this treatment. PDT abolishes cancerous cells by using this fixed frequency light to trigger photosensitizing drugs which have accumulated in body tissues. This photosensitizing drug is administered intravenously.

Gene therapy disables the fatal disease, corrects it at the DNA level and compensates for the abnormal genes. Replacement gene therapy keeps the cell growth and division under control. Knockout gene therapy aims at the oncogenes, which is a gene that can induce tumor formation, and make them inactive to reduce the cell growth. Some alternative medicines include the use of herbs, homeopathy, therapeutic massage, acupuncture, and Far Eastern medicine to treat health conditions. These conventional medicines treat the whole patient physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

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