Sunday, August 29, 2010

Upcoming Breast Cancer Conferences

Recently I’ve received info on three breast cancer conferences. Two of them are scheduled for this year and a third is in the spring of 2011. I went to this past spring’s conference in PA and loved it. It was so nice to be with other BC survivors from all over North America.

Canadian Breast Cancer Network (CBCN)

CBCN is having their 2nd conference for young women living with breast cancer, Body, Mind, Spirit 2010: National Conference for Young Women Living with Breast Cancer, on October 29 — 31, 2010, Toronto, ON, Canada. Subsidy is available. For more information please click here.

Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC)

LBBC is having their annual fall conference, News You Can Use: Breast Cancer Updates for Living Well, on November 13, 2010, in Philadelphia, PA, USA. Subsidy is available. For more information, please click here.

The World Conference on Breast Cancer Foundation (WCBCF)

WCBCF is having their 6th world conference, Transcending the Breast Cancer Experience: A Global Partnership, on June 7-11 in 2011, Hamilton, ON, Canada. Subsidy unconfirmed. For more information, please click there.

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