Thursday, August 19, 2010

Annual Coffee Group Picnic

Yesterday the breast cancer gals got together for our annual summer picnic. Instead of meeting at a dept store coffee shop, we entertained ourselves outside in J’s back yard. It was our 9th picnic in a row and we sure enjoyed it.

Each of the gals brought a little something to eat which made for a yummy combination. Spring rolls, dumplings, wraps, potato salad, pasta salad and yes once again we were honored with one of Erm’s amazing desserts. This time it was a three-layer cake filled with peaches and whipped cream. She said she worked on it till midnight … wow, thanks so much Erm. Once again it was most delicious.

J has a beautiful blooming back yard. Occasionally a squirrel or chipmunk or blue jay would make a visit to sneak one of the peanuts. There were the sounds of squirrels chirping and birds singing too. It was real pleasure to be there surrounded by nature right in middle of the city.

Ari, our mascot was feeling a bit left out, so we gave him an opportunity to romp around a bit too. He was a bit rambunctious but we loved every minute of it.

After dessert, we sat around sipping fresh perked coffee. We talked a bit about when we first met and narrowed it down to the fall of 2000. Officially, our coffee group didn’t start till January of 2001 when our support group at the clinic ended. Wow, that’s almost 10 years now. Just then J’s daughter came home. She was kind enough to take some group pictures of us and then she gave each of us a gift … a beautiful bag of seven healing stones. With these came a handmade card to describe the healing properties of each polished stone. What a thoughtful gift.

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