Saturday, August 28, 2010

Chemo Effects are Wearing Off

I haven’t had chemo since August 6th and I’m gradually feeling better as each week goes by. I’m sleeping solid and the fatigue is lessoning. I find my mind is clearer too. I’m more alert and I just want to do more stuff. That’s all working out great because I have relatives visiting all next week.

Yesterday, I stopped in at the Clinic for my weekly PICC line re-dressing. Then I headed over to the Support Center and picked up a brochure of what classes will be running this fall. I will likely join the drop-in knitting group. There are a couple others I may consider. 

My final stop was the pharmacy to pick up a small two pill prescription of teva-amoxicillin; an antibiotic. I’m seeing my dentist next week for a cleaning and exam. The routine is for me to take these pills an hour before the appointment to help me fight any potential infection caused by the cleaning.

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