Thursday, August 12, 2010

Oncologist Visit and Scan Results

First thing this morning I went in for blood work in anticipation of chemo tomorrow. A short time later, I went in to see the Onc to go over the results of last week’s CT and PET scans. So the news is bad … the tumors on my liver have grown larger. Also, there’s a small spot on my spine that wasn’t there before. That needs to be watched. As of today, we are going to stop the Vinorelbine treatments as they are not effective.

So what’s next? The Onc said, we have run out of proven chemotherapy options. We are now going to look at phase one clinical trials. As per Wikipedia … Phase I trials are the first stage of testing in human subjects. And the good news is … there is one trial available that I can try. I’ll find out in a few weeks whether I qualify and get accepted.

How do I feel about all this? I’m thrilled because I’ve dodged the ‘ok doc, how much time do I have left?’ conversation for at least another 4 weeks. 

I’m not ready to give up. I want to keep up my fight

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