Friday, August 20, 2010

Cancer Talk over Coffee

Yesterday C, a fellow stage four cancer survivor and I went for coffee to a neat little coffee shop off Whyte Ave. Not only did it have a funky cool atmosphere but it was also a bakery, so we each had a great tasting muffin to go with our coffees. C was looking good and she said she was feeling good too. That was really nice to hear.

We chatted about what we’ve been up to since we last meet; including how we were doing mentally and physically. She said she had a burst of energy and spent the day before at the Fringe Festival with her neighbor. She said it felt so good to be out and about after being laid up this past while. I talked about some of what I’ve been up to … including the coffee group picnic yesterday.

We both felt it was important to have one little something to look forward to so that our minds stay busy and occupied. Next week C is going to the mountain resort town of Jasper and I am going to the Lance Armstrong Luncheon.

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