Friday, August 6, 2010

Bone Scan

The wait to get in was a bit longer than usual, especially first thing in the morning. The nurse said … how are your veins? Not great I said … I already had two pokes yesterday so real estate was limited. After the hot pack on my hand and a couple of love taps, a vein popped. 

After the radioactive tracer was in, it was another half hour for it to circulate. So while that was going on, I had a warm blanket and a comfy chair and foot rest and my new Smartphone to keep me occupied. 

Next, I climbed in the scanner along with another warm blanket … could have gone to sleep but didn’t. Had to stay still for 45 minutes … on my back. 

After the scan was done, I put my fake boob back in my bra and headed home. I’ll get the results in two weeks. 

I’m back here later today for chemo.

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