Friday, October 3, 2008

Show cancer some love, everything is not pink only

Random thoughts from an over prescribed mind..... take these ramblings with a grain of salt and a spoon of Castor Oil or Cod liver oil if you like.

Breast Cancer has an almost endless supply of funds and seems to flood the market with easily identifiable objects that flood the market and make people think pink, and fight for a cure for breast cancer. I can't even watch football without having to fight for a cure. Can we as a society put some effort toward the other cancers that take more lives than breast cancer ever will, stop letting the people that suffer from cancers other than breast cancer suffer in silence because of lack of fund for new researchers to cure them and stop forcing them to hide ashamed of the stigmas their cancer may carry with it (true or not).

Running Shoes: I got some new running shoes the other day and some new walking shoes, they are big size 13 wide, and size 14 respectfully..... you know what they say about guys with big feet.... uh they have big shoes of course, what else. Anyway these new shoes do make my feet feel good, as my feet are still numb and swollen (neuropathy).

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