Friday, December 3, 2010

My CT Results Are In

The receptionist called out my name and I was ushered into the examining room. As I’m sitting there, I’m still thinking of how I was going to apologize about not fasting for the CT scan last week. Then it occurred to me … wow this is my first CT scan since the start of my new chemo six weeks ago. What’s it gonna to show?

Well my Onc and the trials nurse came in together which is always a bit overwhelming. Onc sat down in a chair beside me, leaned over and showed me the radiologist’s report that compares today’s scan to the October 15th scan. My eyes darted down to the two tumor sizes they use to monitor my liver. … 3.6 x 2.5 cm and 3.0 x 2.2 cm. Together they shrunk 33.7 %. I could hardly believe it; when I looked up, both the Onc and the nurse were just smiling at me. What a surprise for me!!! What a surprise!!!

The Onc said these results are very good indeed and that your total liver volume has shrunk by 5% but added that is still quite swollen. He also said that the tumor makeup has changed from a hard lesion to a softer lesion and that it’s more watery like. Another surprise!!!

Pretty well anything said after that was muffled in my brain: I couldn’t process what was coming in fast enough. It felt like I was floating off my chair… like having an out of body experience. Were they really talking to me or was I dreaming?

With the radiologist report in hand, I headed home. I wondered what the tumor size back when I first started this whole deal in August of 2008. My blog notes that the largest tumor was 4.0 x 4.0 cm. So thru the four chemo’s that I’ve been on since then, my tumor size has yo-yo’d a lot.

Still not believing the news, I checked to make sure that it was my name on the report.

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