Thursday, December 23, 2010

I Have a Brivanib Buddy

About a week ago my mets friend K from Calgary sent me an email with a link to a discussion group on BC Mets where a lady posted a comment to the discussion about Brivanib. I was very interested in M’s story and decided to follow her. It’s helpful to know other people’s experiences with this drug and gives me  some piece of mind.

In the discussion group, M said about 8 weeks ago she started a phase 1 clinical trial with Xeloda and Brivanib combo. Her first issue was her bp spiked to 200/100. I had a similar experience with my bp jumping to 170/101. We both had great results on some aspects of our blood work after just three weeks on Brivanib and our tumours or tumour markers have shrunk ~30%. Our Oncs measure our cancer differently.

Where things change up a bit is that she has had to go off Brivanib for five weeks because her Onc was having difficulty getting her bp under control and other aspects her liver function quadrupled. So out of eight weeks, she has actually been taking Brivanib for only three.

Brivanib appears to be a finicky drug and I only hope that my blood work today doesn't show my already high liver function has gone too high and that I can continue chemo. I’ve been checking my bp regularly and it’s ~122 / 75 with the meds I’m on.

M and I now regularly email each other. We’re breaking new ground here and it’s sure nice to have a trials buddy to help go thru this.

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