Thursday, December 16, 2010

BC Christmas Party

Yesterday we had our Sears BC Coffee Group Christmas Party. Our original plan was to have a Christmas party in J’s hospice room on December 15th as that seemed to work best for everyone … but time was against us and J passed away on December 7th. We were all kinda thinking that we’d just forgo this year’s party but T, J’s daughter said these parties were very important to J and that she wanted us to continue with them way after she was gone. In fact she had already purchased Christmas gifts for the gift exchange back in September. So at the last minute, Irm offered up her home to have the party.

T joined us and it was so fitting to have her there to hand out J’s Christmas gifts. We shared stories and shed a few tears and looked at pics of happier times as we talked about J. After munching on some finger food, we waited anxiously to see what this year’s dessert would be. Irm is an amazing dessert maker and she wowed us once again … trays and trays of German Christmas baking. Oh my! it was amazing. I had to limit my munching because my stomach but I’m sure the other gals ooo’s and aaaah’s could be heard down the block.

After a while we moved over to the living room and sat on the comfy soft sofa and chairs with our coffees. Gradually eyeballs glanced over to the tree in the corner and we decided it was time to open the gifts. Then the cackling and laughing really got going. Time to enjoy the moment, it was so festive.

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