Saturday, December 4, 2010

CT results and follow up

On Thursday I saw Dr G and got the results of my latest CT scan. He was satisfied that the overall results are positive! One liver metastasis has decreased by more than 1 cm. Another is negligibly larger, which may be due to interpretation of the scan and at any rate is not statistically significant.

However, I complained last weekend about pain in my right knee, just to the outside of the kneecap. I had an xray before my visit with Dr G, which showed a met but not in the knee. So we reviewed my past two bone scans and neither specifically indicated a metastasis in this location. To be safe, I will see Dr Eulau, the radiation oncologist, and get his opinion.

Dr G pointed out that it's possible the pain I experienced in my knee is "flare" associated with the effectiveness of the Faslodex. If so, the pain is a sign that the Faslodex is working. Dr Eulau will take all this into consideration and give an opinion if radiation therapy might be indicated.

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