Saturday, December 11, 2010

Knitting Group is Done for the Year

Yesterday I went to the last knitting support group meeting of the year. I joined in January and then it shut down for July and August. Not only was this was the last meeting of the year, it’s possibly the last for a long time as the facilitators decided after ten years of volunteering with the clinic, they needed a break. It was a bit sad to think we might not see each other again; some of us have really grown close.

I enjoyed the company of group because the conversations always tended to be on a lighter side with no shortage of outright laughter. F mentioned we should collect email addresses and phone numbers so we could keep in touch. Excellent idea … around went a piece of paper to collect the info and then we made photocopies.

After the meeting, all 10 of us went over to a restaurant in the mall and had a bite to eat. I ordered dry white toast and tea, which seems to be the safest choice for me these days. We continued to chat up a storm, make jokes and one-liners.

It was now approaching three hours out and it was all catching up with me. I had started feeling a little weak after the two hour meeting and now I was really feeling weak and bit nauseous too. It was definitely time for me to head home.

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