Friday, December 24, 2010

I’m on Chemo Vacation

Yesterday I had my nine week appointment at the clinic. The appointment usually starts with the clinical trials nurse going over any new side effects I may be experiencing. We barely started when the Onc came in, sat down and asked how I was feeling. I said that two days after starting Eltroxin for my thyroid, I was sleeping better. D noticed it too; he said he felt my sleeping was much more relaxed. We ended that bit of conversation with the nurse asking me exactly when I started taking Eltroxin.

The nurse asked me about nausea and diarrhea … I said I have it pretty well under control but then I’m not eating that much. Looks like my blood work reflected that because the Onc suggested I start taking Imodium first thing in the morning and every four hours after that. The point was I needed to get more nutrition into me.

After the nurse went over her long list of side effect questions, she went over the blood work. One liver function number is especially high, the same number that just about prevented me from getting in the clinical trial. Both the nurse and Onc said this is a known chemo side effect and is expected but it also means you need a small chemo vacation … one or two weeks off of Brivanib for your liver to recover. 

Once again they reassured me that is something to be expected, so don’t worry. She then asked me to hand over all my Brivanib pills. Now I understand why I have to bring them to every appointment.

We scheduled an appointment for next week for more blood work.

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