Friday, December 17, 2010

Huge Bouquet of Flowers for Christmas

Last Wednesday about supper time, the door bell rang. D went to see who it was … turns out it’s a delivery, I was getting flowers … a huge boutique of flowers. Not only was it huge but the whole thing was heavy too.

After putting the bouquet on the dining room table, we carefully unwrapped it from the many layers of plastic used to keep it warm as it’s carried from the heated van to the house.

Oh my … it’s a Christmas flower arrangement with fresh greens including cedars and pine bows, filled with Holly, red roses, red decorative Christmas balls and whole bunch of flowers I’m not that familiar with. And when I came back into the room with some water, I noticed that the scent from it all had filled the room, perfect for the season.

It turns out they’re from my sister in the USA. Sis, thank you so much for the lovely flowers, they look gorgeous. We set the bouquet up in the living room right in front of the fireplace. They not only lightened and brightened the room, but my spirits too. You have always been so supportive and kind.

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