Monday, May 17, 2010

My New Camera

Well… now that the nice weather is here, I’m finding some relaxing moments by going to the various parks around town to just sit and take in whatever is going on. To give me something to do, I take my camera with me. I always try and look for some landmarks, nature or scenery to photograph.

What makes all this more interesting is my new camera. It’s got a through the lens viewfinder that allows me to easily see what I’m trying to shoot. Now I can take pictures in any type of light instead of me trying to shade the screen on my old camera. This feature is way cool. Now I just use the back screen for reviewing.

Then I head home and downloaded the pics on to my laptop. I must say, about one in 20 is actually a pretty good photo. I’m thinking about joining a camera club on the internet … we’ll see.

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