Saturday, May 22, 2010

Increased blood pressure from zofran?

A friend from a support group forwarded this link to me.
Zofran Side Effects - for the Professional

Rarely and predominantly with intravenous ondansetron, transient ECG changes including QT interval prolongation have been reported.

Flushing. Rare cases of hypersensitivity reactions, sometimes severe (e.g., anaphylaxis/anaphylactoid reactions, angioedema, bronchospasm, shortness of breath, hypotension, laryngeal edema, stridor) have also been reported. Laryngospasm, shock, and cardiopulmonary arrest have occurred during allergic reactions in patients receiving injectable ondansetron.

It could be that my recent increased blood pressure etc. is due to side effects from the intravenous zofran I received last Monday before getting Abraxane. You can be sure I will tell the chemo nurses about this and get them to ask Dr. G to not give me IV zofran next time.

Given that I've had so little nausea, and that not for several days after each chemo, perhaps I don't need any anti-emetic pre-medications before chemo at all. I will ask about this as well.

The good news is that my blood pressure seems lower today. Although I haven't measured my BP, my heart is beating more normally.

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