Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Big Apple

While I was making my plans to go to Philadelphia for the conference, my sister who lives in the US asked if I’d like to meet her in New York for a couple of days. Well let me tell you … that was music to my ears. I’ve always wanted to visit the Big Apple and here was my big chance.

So Sunday after the conference, I jumped on an Amtrack train from Philly to New York. An hour and twenty minutes later, I arrived at Penn station in New York. The city was bustling with activity. My first order of business was to hail a cab. I looked left and saw a lineup of people waiting for cabs. I looked to the right and saw a young girl step onto the road and lift her right hand way up in the air. Seconds later, a cab pulls up and off she goes. I think to myself, when in Rome … I went to the exact spot she had been when she hailed her cab and I did exactly the same thing … lifted my right arm way up. It worked … I was now on my way to the Marriott Marquis on Times Square.

When I get there, I jump out of the cab, grab my luggage and into the hotel I went. I walk around and tried to find the front entrance to check in, looking a bit lost because I couldn’t find it … a gentleman in a red jacket asked if he could assist me. He directed me to the eighth floor. They contacted my sister and she came down to meet me. When I saw her tears started streaming down my face … not just a few tears … the big ugly cry as Oprah would say. I think It was a buildup of emotions … from the conference, from the fact I made it to New York after having gone through some pretty tough times … I was there … the Big Apple. I was crying so hard a complete stranger came and asked if everything was all right. Tho I was embarrassed I couldn’t stop the tears.

Anyways, I’ll post a few pics and share more over the next few days …


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