Monday, May 24, 2010

Chemo today

I had another relatively easy chemo day, although it started out with a little frustration. I was supposed to be on a three-week on, one-week off chemo cycle, but missed a treatment on May 10 due to low counts. By the original plan, today was supposed to be the week off, and therefore, although Dr. G's office had set up today's appointment, he had not entered orders into the electronic system. Fortunately, the chemo nurse was able to reach him by pager while he was rounding in the hospital, and he entered the orders quickly.

From there the routine went a bit more smoothly. Down to the lab to have blood drawn. Back up to the treatment center; get settled in a chair. Find out that the lab hadn't drawn a creatinine sample to test liver function, and because this was a Zometa day, it was an important test which Dr. G had not placed in his original lab orders. (He wrote it later, after I had already been to the lab.) The chemo nurse confirms that he wants the creatinine test, takes another tube of blood and hand carries it down to the lab. She makes another call to Dr. G to get his okay for me to have both Abraxane and Zometa.

At my request, the chemo nurse took my blood pressure three times (before, during and after chemo) and used a stethoscope to listen to my heart for a full minute. My BP was at my usual low normal each time and my heart was beating 72 times/minute. She recommended that if I experience more high blood pressure or other heart issues to call Dr. G and be seen right away or go to the emergency room for an EKG.

The day began at the cancer institute at 8:15 AM. At 10:15, we started the Zofran pre-medication. At 10:30, Abraxane. And at 11:30, Zometa. I was done by 12:40 and felt good enough that we went to lunch with a friend who came for a visit. It's only five hours, and I have all the time in the world, right?

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