Wednesday, April 7, 2010

More Kinesio Tape

I just got back from my Chiro appointment. He looked at my arm and said the swelling had gone down considerably from last week. I thought it had gone down too but when you look at something every day ... it’s hard to notice the subtle changes. 

At a previous appointment he mentioned we could apply some Kinesio tape to my shoulder. So today I brought in my stash to apply to my right lymphedema shoulder. Below is a picture of what he did.

He again told me how Kinesio tape works. The tape reminds the body where it should be and encourages it to return to the normal position. For example, having it on my shoulder helps my less used muscles to return to their proper position ... so when I slouch ... the tape provides a gentle tug which then reminds me to pull my shoulder back. The tape works for my wrist and hand so it should work for my shoulder. I`ll let you know how this turns out.

Cool eh!

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