Cancer Bitch is in The Market in Denver, sitting at a round wooden table by the window. She was on two panels yesterday at the AWP conference. One was on Sick Humor, about funny writing about illness. Another was about persona, during which she spoke about using different points of view in this blog and the subsequent book.
Denver is very sunny. C Bitch has noticed that its inhabitants are very very still. Often already she has seen people on the street from afar, and has thought they were statues. She's noticed three people gesturing at the sidewalk tables outside The Market. Two have AWP name tags on. The third looked Ethnic--Latina. Ethnics--such as Latinas, Mediterranean types and Jews--are big gesturers, if she can be afforded the use of stereotypes.
Her friend B, who has lived here three years, suggests that the still people may be stoned.
There is less cell phone usage here on the street than in Chicago, and restaurant workers are slower and mellower and friendlier than in Chicago. People are more trusting, leaving their purses on the floor behind them. There is the slowness here that you would think you'd find in Berkeley or SF, but you don't.
CB is going to set up a blog with lists of humorous illness memoirs. Click here.
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