Tuesday, April 13, 2010

scalp biopsy

i had one bump on my head biopsied today and it was all over before i could get tense. of course the 0.5 mg ativan i took helped a lot. dr a, the dermatologist, is so gentle. plus he mixes his lidocaine with sodium bicarbonate which takes away most of the sting. must remember to recommend this to my infusion nurses.

biopsy results take a week but doc said he'd rush the cancer or not? preliminary part. the second piece details what kind of cancer, er/pr status etc. maybe i will get a call by end of the week. if not i see the onc on monday.

i think there is a 10% chance the femara i am taking for the second time is working, will know on friday. if it's not, and the bumps are indeed mets, then on to chemo asap.

someone found a clinical trial for skin mets that's right here in seattle: "A Phase II Study of Topical Imiquimod and Weekly Abraxane for the Treatment of Breast Cancer Cutaneous Metastases". maybe i will qualify.

i hate the waiting. at least my relocated elbow keeps my mind off "scanxiety".

we treated ourselves to ice cream at molly moon's afterwards. 1/2 salted caramel and 1/2 scout mint, topped with hot fudge helped restore my equilibrium.

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