Monday, November 2, 2009

Please let the pumpkins rot

I found out this morning that two Kansas City radio stations are already playing Christmas music. I realize that this happens every year, and every year I complain bitterly about it. Bitterly. I know I'm perhaps a bit extreme in my "no Christmas music until the day after Thanksgiving" rule, which I impose upon my entire family. I know some people do like to get started a little bit early. I know this.

But still. This early??!?! Is there anyone who wants to hear "Jingle Bells" while they're still eating Halloween candy? While there are still orange leaves on the trees? Before the Jack-o-lanterns have even had the chance to rot? Is there anyone who really enjoys Christmas music on Nov. 2? Anyone?

Humph. Anyway. Speaking of Jack-o-lanterns, here are the ones we carved this year, which are still on our front porch and have not yet started to rot. Do you hear me, Kansas City radio stations? No pumpkins rotting here!

Sorry they're a little blurry, but it's always hard for me to get good Jack-o-lantern photos. They're a kitty, a face, and a little monster:

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