Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mesothelioma Cancer Treatment

Cancer is a kind of disease, mesothelioma from exposure
To the relevant material asbestos. Asbestos fiber, usually by then
Enter the body through the mouth or skin, then enter
Lung and blood.
Mesothelioma cancer has become more widely in the record last 5-10 years,
Due to the symptoms of asbestos cancer between 20 to 40 years for
To manifest. Cancer is difficult to diagnose mesothelioma symptoms, such as no tendency
Until then show their disease. Symptoms,
Mesothelioma lung cancer has shortness of breath, chest pain, fever and other
Minor illnesses such as pneumonia.
The most commonly occurs in the asbestos cancer men between the ages of 50-70 years old
Who were exposed to high levels of asbestos in the workplace. Asbestos is
Mainly used in manufacturing industry, such as automobile, shipbuilding
In the construction industry. With asbestos is only recently
In 1990.
Mesthelioma lung cancer has been found to be the most common form
It happened in the lung cancer and pleural mesothelioma (.).
Cancer can also mesothelioma abdominal peritoneum) (
In the heart (pericardial). Have a greater chance of malignant
Abdominal asbestos cancer. For a more detailed explanation of smoking
Smoking can be detected by lung CT scan, make it
Sometimes the diagnosis of early than the other two types of mesothelioma cancer.
This type of cancer therapy depends on the stage of cancer. Entry
The patient was diagnosed, age and individual be fond of. Alzheimer�s disease
Four different stage division. At this stage of the process, reached the disease
Cancer treatment method to determine the entry. In the first stage
Cancer of the lungs, only can attempt to remove surgeon
Surgical resection of the tumor. Once the tumor into the surrounding the body
In a later period, it cannot be cured.
Generally speaking, the more advanced mesothelioma
Cancer treatment is radiation and chemotherapy. Radiation,
Using high energy X-ray destroy cancerous cells treated with contraction
Cancer chemotherapy, on the other hand, the use of drugs to destroy the cancer cells.
The aim is to extend the entry of cancer therapy the patient�s life
Because of the more advanced disease can not be cured.
Besides the traditional mesothelioma cancer treatment, also have
Currently investigating different experimental treatments with new
This form of biological immune: treatment mesothelioma cancer treatment
Using the patient�s own immune system to recognize and attack cancer cells. Clinical research,
The immune system that can distinguish healthy cell tumor cells,
So can be used to destroy the cancer cells.
Gene therapy: this type of cancer therapy is still in the entry
Stage of development. This course includes into a particular genes
Into the tumor. The genes that cancer cells sensitive
Glanciclovir antiviral drugs, in normal circumstance is not practical
According to these cells. This glanciclovir can destroy all the cancer
No damage healthy tissue cells.
Drug treatment of symptomatic only: drug approved drugs
The us food and drug administration (FDA) for the treatment of patients with malignant tumor
Mesothelioma lung cancer. This new and exciting drugs has been proved in practice
Test, reducing symptoms and increase the patients.
Photodynamic therapy: photodynamic therapy including use
Light to kill cancer cells. Patient first
Photosensitizing drugs, only collect in cancer cells. Optical fiber cable
Then insert the body, so that the frequency of light must focus
Tumor. Light stimulates photosensitizing toxic oxygen molecule drugs
The destroy cancerous cells.
These experiments, although still mesothelioma cancer treatment in development,
Cancer patients to provide better prospects and long service life. with
The possibility that more and more people have been diagnosed with asbestos
Cancer, further research for other forms of cancer therapy mesothelioma
Is of vital importance.
Source : Meso
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